Routine appointments
Please use this link to ask for medical help, we will make sure you get an appointment with the right person.
If you cannot complete the form yourself for any reason, or you need to see someone from the Nursing team please call us on 020 8876 3901 or 020 8876 4442.
If you have a non-medical question for us please use this link to make an admin request.
Urgent Appointments
If you need urgent medical advice, we will make every effort to make sure you are seen but you may need to see someone other than your usual doctor. Please try to let us know by 10.00am if you feel you need to be seen that day.
On most days we operate a triage system so we may first arrange for you to talk to a doctor on the telephone.
Home Visits
It is usually best if you are seen in the surgery, however we understand sometimes you may be unable to come to the surgery.
Please contact us in the usual way by selecting “Make a Medical Request” near the top of the page. The doctor or nurse will speak to you on the phone and arrange a home visit if they decide it is the best way to assess you.