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PPG Reports

Sheen Lane Health Centre PPG Report 2014-15

Practice Name: Dr Jezierski and Partners

Practice Code: H84006

Signed on behalf of practice: Laura Jones                                                                                             Date:30/03/2015

Signed on behalf of PPG:                                                                                                 Date:

Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Does the Practice have a PPG? YES

Method(s) of engagement with PPG: Face to face, Email, Other (please specify) Face to face at monthly meetings and adhoc email.

Number of members of PPG: 10 Board members9Board members9

Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG:

Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG:


% Male Female
Practice 50 50
PRG 70 30





Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG:


% <16 17-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 > 75
Practice 22 7 13 19 15 11 8 5
PRG 2 2 5 1

Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG:

White Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups
British Irish Gypsy or Irish traveller Other white White &black Caribbean White &black African White &Asian Other mixed
Practice 560 16 207 3 3 10 19


Asian/Asian British Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Other
Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other


African Caribbean Other Black Arab Any other
Practice 21 3 11 20 15 3 2 31

Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population:

The Practice texted all patients who have mobile telephones, inviting them to join the PPG. Information is on the website and also displayed on the video screen in Reception. There is also a PPG notice-board in Reception. In addition Board members have visited the waiting room and spoken to patients to get their views and invite them to join the PPG.

Unfortunately we have found that younger people are harder to engage and do not want to give up their time to attend meetings. We therefore decided, with our PPG, to set up a virtual group as well by emailing all patients, where we have an email address, to try to get them involved. This has been identified by the PPG and will be taken forward as a task this year.

The Chair of the PPG is the Carers UK ambassador for the area and brings her vast knowledge and experience to thegroup. The Chair also represents the group on the CCG borough-wide Patient Participation group. These meetings are also attendedby Healthwatch.

This year we have tried to reach out to unrepresented groups by using email (see Task 3 below). In this way we hope to be able to expand the make-up of the group to include more working people, younger people and the housebound.

The two Practices at Sheen Lane Health Centre have joined together to try to make the PPG more representative and robust. This is a practical solution too as we share the facilities and any suggestions about the building and its environment will apply to both.

Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG?
e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community?


If you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were successful:

Review of patient feedback

Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year:

Patient survey carried out in March 2014. PPG informal feedback from the waiting room.

Suggestions box – example: Patient requested coat-hooks on the back of toilet doors which was discussed with the PPG and the Practice then arranged.

How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG?

The Patient survey was discussed at the first monthly meeting in April 2014. Items in the suggestion box and those gathered informally were discussed at the next available monthly meeting.

Action plan priority areas and implementation

Priority area 1

Description of priority area:

Out of Hours Care – this was chosen following concerns raised in the Patient Survey and informal discussions with patients, who thought the system was confusing, didn’t like 111 involvement ie talking to a clerical person rather than a clinician.

What actions were taken to address the priority?

This was a concern to many Practices and as a group it was decided to investigate an alternative service. A steering group was set up and lengthy discussions took place. This led to the de-commissioning of the current service with Care UK and a new service was commissioned by the Practice in November 2014 with East Berkshire OOHs.   We also enhanced the service by working closely with the Friends of Teddington hospital which the PPG was very pleased with.

Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):

The service now involves a direct line to a clinician as our PPG had indicated this was a major requisite for patients. The system is more streamlined – 1 telephone call and so far we have had very positive responses to the new service. This is a bespoke service for patients in Richmond and focused on the needs of Richmond residents.

We have leaflets advertising the service and have advertised in the on the PPG Newsletter waiting room and on our website.

Priority area 2

Description of priority area:

PPG members felt that there was a lack of contact information for older people and carers which was targeted, informative and easily accessible.

What actions were taken to address the priority?

A leaflet was produced with local services/providers, including charitable organisations, who could offer help and support. This included addresses and contact numbers. The document was written by the PPG to ensure it was in a format that was suitable for patients.

Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):

The leaflets have been made available in all the Clinicians consulting rooms the waiting room, the video screen in the waiting room and the website. The leaflet was deemed so useful, by the other attendees of the borough-wide Patient Participation group, that it was shared and is now available to all Practices within the borough.

As this leaflet has proved so popular the PPG has now taken on the challenge of writing a similar document for the parents/guardians of children with special needs. This leaflet will be available by the end of March 2015.

PPG Chair

Priority area 3

Description of priority area:

Communication – it was noted, following the completion of the above two tasks, that advertising information was restricted mainly to patients attending the surgery. The PPG felt we needed to reach out to younger people, house-bound patients and those that infrequent attendees.

What actions were taken to address the priority?

A search revealed that we had 1163   email addresses with patient’s permission to use. Receptionists were asked to remind patients about an emailing option and to take email addresses and get consent for their use.

Originally it was believed that we did not have the capability to transfer all these emails into a useful format for bulk mailing. Staff were asked to undertake training to enable them to do this as the PPG was unable to undertake the task. Sending the email has been very time consuming as there is a limit to the number that can be sent per day.

Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):

All patients, with an email address, have now been sent an introductory email with a covering letter from the PPG inviting them to become involved with the PPG, either by joining the board or becoming virtual members. We have asked patients to contact PPG Directly on their email address which we have set up for them, with any comments suggestions .

In future we shall be able to send out Newsletters by email and also information such as the above two tasks, in order to reach more of the Practice population. An additional benefit will be that we can ask for more feedback or suggestions via email.

Early responses have been very encouraging, and although we have not managed to send out all the emails yet, we have had more than 20 people who have shown an interest in joining a virtual group.

Progress on previous years

Is this the first year your practice has participated in this scheme?


If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):

Last year we carried out a Hypertension patient information day and this year we did one on back pain with the assistance of our colleagues in physiotherapy.

This year we have carried on sending text message reminders for appointments,health reviews and checks, immunisations, and information about services such as those to help patients stop smoking.

Clinician of choice this was completed during last year.

PPG Sign Off

Report signed off by PPG:


Date of sign off: 30/03/2015 and placed on practice web page.

How has the practice engaged with the PPG:

Practice Managers, and on several occasions GPs, have met with the PPG on a monthly basis.

How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?

By advertising on registration forms for new patients, poster in the waiting room, on our website, by PPG members visiting the surgery to talk to patients in the waiting room and recently by building up an email list.

Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources?

Yes suggestion box in Reception, Patient survey in March 2014 and by PPG members visiting the surgery to talk to patients in the waiting room

Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan?

Yes all agreed at April 2014 meeting of the PPG

How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?

The new Out of Hours contract has been very successful with positive feedback from GPs, who get much better reports and from patients informal feedback is much more positive.

The information for older people leaflet has proved very popular as outlined above.

We are receiving very good responses to the huge amounts of emails we have sent out, inviting patients to join a virtual PPG.

Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?

The PPG are very committed to working closely with the Practices and have provided enormous support. The Practices have said that they are very grateful for the Board’s ongoing commitment and enthusiasm and we all look forward to working closely together in the future.

For a printable version please see link below

2015 year end report Annex_D[1][1]signeddocx.docx

Sheen Lane Health Centre PPG Patient Information Sheet


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